Burmese for Sale

This list is updated frequently by our members. Advertisements run for 30 days and are then automatically deleted.

We sometimes have Cats in Distress or found cats listed. If you need help for a Burmese rescue, please contact any of our people on our Contacts page.

This list does not constitute an endorsement of any particular breeder by the Burmese Cat Society of Australasia Inc.
With this list there is neither an expressed nor an implied warranty of any kind provided by the Society, especially with regard to:

  • the soundness or health of any cat/kitten purchased
  • the integrity of any breeder referenced in this list
  • the fitness of use or suitability of any cat/kitten purchased
  • the accuracy of any information provided with this list

Any use of this information is made with the knowledge that it is at your own risk.

Brown female kittens

Contact: Lyn

Phone: 0418 762 075

We have two brown female kittens ready to go to there new homes 15/3/25
That have been raised in our home and come vaccinated, micro chipped, wormed, desexed , kitten kit and litter.
, we also pay the NSW Pet Registry
We are members of the Burmese Cat Society of Australasian and Cats NSW.
Please contact Lyn

email Email

web site Website

Expiry: 04 Apr 25


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