A 3 Ring Australian Open Style Show for Burmese Cats and Kittens. The Whiskas Celebration of Burmese was held on Saturday 8th February 2003 at Forestville Memorial Hall cnr Starkey Street & Warringah Road, Forestville.
This Show was a 3 ring open judging style show for Burmese cats and kittens. This means that each cat is judged by 3 different judges in front of the public and exhibitors, so you can learn all about Burmese.
The Top 10 exhibits in the Show were presented to the exhibitors and public after 2.30pm.
There were cats and kittens for the public to look at all day long, from 9.00am to 4.00pm.
The show featured special Golden Oldie classes and awards for those Burmese ladies and gentlemen over 7 years of age.
The Supreme Exhibit was a beautiful male lilac kitten: Kokhan Audacious Audin, owned by Pamela Miller and bred by M O’Connell & R Corbett in the Northern Territory.
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