Keeping a Stud Male

The decision to keep a stud (entire male) cat should not be taken lightly. Keeping a successful stud requires that the owner, the cat and the premises should all be suitable.

The stud must be very carefully chosen for several features. Not only should he be an exceptional specimen of his breed, he should have been well reared and free from any kittenhood illnesses and hereditary faults.

Unless the stud cat does well on the show bench he is unlikely to have sufficient queens (entire female cats) to keep him satisfied in his working life.

A stud owner should be the sort of person who not only has the experience to handle and entire male and his queens, and the time and money to spend on the activity, but also who will be concerned for the  welfare of the kittens the stud will sire. Several years of breeding and showing queens is needed plus a suitable harem before a breeder should even think of keeping a stud. An active stud has a natural instinct to spray his territory with extremely strong smelling urine. If allowed to run free he will protect his territory against all intruders ending up with abscesses from his fights. For these reasons a stud house and run must be large. Your stud will spend all of his working life confined to this area.

The age at which a young stud can be introduced to his first queen will vary, but generally it is from 10 to 12 months old. A young stud cat should be introduced to his work gently and preferably with an older experienced queen.

In addition to feline company, he needs plenty of human contact and affection. At least an hour a day should be spent with him. To keep him shut up in isolation, boredom and frustration due to lack of  work or company is very cruel. If the stud house can be built close to and within sight of the human house, the stud will not feel so isolated. It is also an advantage to be able to observe matings from within the the human house without disturbing the honeymoon couple.

Do not keep a stud cat relying on him to pay his way or make a profit. A stud owner must be prepared to accept the risk that infection may be brought in, with consequent expense and isolation, and must face the possibility of personal injury from a vicious queen or upset stud. Also holidays may be a problem - few boarding catteries are willing to take a stud male. Finally stud owners should be well known and respected in the Burmese fancy if the stud is to attract a reasonable amount of work.

There is a chance of your selected stud producing sub-standard kittens or not achieving championship status and there is little demand for his services. Unfortunately such a stud has to be desexed. There is a strong possibility that even after desexing he will continue to spray and will be difficult to keep.

Think carefully before you decide to take on the responsibility of  keeping a male cat as a stud. Read as many books as possible and seek advice from fellow breeders and stud owners. If you do decide to go ahead, spare no expense in setting up the stud quarters, and buy the best male you can.




burmese cats

An 8 year old lilac stud



Red stud male in his outside encloser.

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